Practical Examples

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Practical examples of making change happen and applying sustainable development are useful ways to learn new ideas that can be adapted for different situations

These examples focus on three areas using a variety of methods as indicated below:

Social and cultural change focusing on Methods used by skilled people
Individual learning about sustainable development, what it means for people and organisations, how it is applied Awareness raising, learning events and methods, skills development, leadership development, coaching and mentoring
Group development: teamwork and how to work co-operatively with people from mixed disciplines/organisations Teamwork development, managing across boundaries where different loyalties are involved, appreciative enquiry, working with large groups on visioning and consensus building
Organisational transformation: applying sustainable development, re-aligning organisational purpose, changing organisational culture, and adopting new performance indicators Conducting organisational reviews and audits, reviewing values,  strategies and policies, changing organisation culture, identifying and using new performance indicators

1. Individual Learning

2. Group development

3. Organisational transformation


Several possibilities can be considered:

Other examples are welcomed!

Please describe your example on the Practical Examples Reply Form. Details about yourself can be submitted from the form accessed from the skilled people page.

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Last up-dated: 25 November 1999